Short Term Objectives
Our commitment to the success of DeFi Connect Credit is reflected in a series of short-term objectives that we are determined to achieve in the first years of operation. These goals are designed to establish a solid foundation and provide our investors and users with an exceptional investment experience. Below we present our main short-term objectives:
Dissemination and Adoption: During the first year of operation, we commit to actively disseminating information about DeFi Connect Credit and its advantages through marketing and public relations campaigns. Our goal is to increase the user base by 50%, which will allow us to bring the benefits of DeFi to a broader audience.
Intuitive User Interface: In the next six months, we will launch an intuitive user interface for the platform. This interface will allow users to navigate and use DeFi Connect Credit effectively, facilitating intrinsic value-based investing. We want the user experience to be accessible and friendly.
Example Tokenization: To demonstrate the functionality of DeFi Connect Credit, we will develop an example synthetic token based on a well-known stock, such as a stock of a leading company. This example will be launched on the platform, allowing investors to experience the process of investing in a tokenized asset.
Financial Education: We are committed to providing a solid foundation of educational resources that focus on the importance of evaluating intrinsic assets and maintaining a margin of safety when investing. We believe that financial education is key to empowering our users and encouraging informed investing.
Security and Compliance: Security is our priority. In the first few months, we will implement additional cyber security measures and work closely with legal experts to ensure regulatory compliance across our operations.
These short-term goals will give us a solid foundation for the sustainable growth of DeFi Connect Credit. We are committed to achieving these milestones and moving towards our vision of a world where investing is accessible, safe, and efficient for all traditional investors. As we move forward in executing these goals, we will continue to share our progress with our community of users and investors.
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